How to Claim Your Listing

If your organization is listed on ServeMyCity, you can edit your listing easily. Once you claim your listing, you can also add service opportunities related to your organization.

The email shown for your organization on its ServeMyCity page is what links you to your listing.

To reset your password for your ServeMyCity account, you'll need to enter this email in the form on the right. Then, an email will be sent to that address with steps on how to change your password.

Once you've reset your password, you can log in to ServeMyCity. You'll find the login link in the top-right corner of the main menu.

After you log in, you'll see your organization dashboard. Here, you can change your listing and add service opportunities. We've got a helpful video ready to guide you through it all.

Not Listed?

If your organization is not currently listed, click here and follow the instructions to Add a Listing.

Having Trouble?

Try our help page for FAQs and a help form.

If you know your password, Login Here.